
Sunday Calm [Features 12]

Calm. Peace. Joy. Beauty. 
How do you see it?

With great hesitance and trepidation because sharing my art makes me feel very vulnerable and exposed, I shared this photo today of the large scale painting I did as a gift for my husband. We love kayaking in our local salt marshes. I spent hours getting the kayak exactly right and accurate to his actual kayak. 

I always love the wide variety of photos shared for #HCLCsundaycalm on Instagram each Sunday. From decor to landscapes and everything in between, it gives folks the freedom to share whatever those feelings look like to them. I also love the opportunity to share others' talent with y'all, so here we go!

Jessica @honeynhydrangea shared this beautiful photo of an olive branch wreath on the barn doors on her patio.

Ailyn @ac_mountainrockhg posted a beautifully simple floral photo.

Jen shared this happy shot, full of tulips and sunshine!

Shannon @theweatheredwillow found this interesting peaceful place in her hiking in the Oak Glen Preserve and Southern California Montane Botanic Garden.

Thank you so much to everyone who shared your photos this past Sunday. I truly enjoyed seeing them.