
Welcome back to our One Room Challenge living room renovation!  This is already week four and I feel like this is the first week we actually accomplished something tangible.  After a slow start, the past two weeks have been full of planning and preparing.  This week we have continued to fabricate all of the pieces that make up our new rustic industrial steel staircase balusters and enclosure.  We just finished installing it tonight, and here it is all done!

It's week three of our living room renovation!  We are on course to finish it in the six weeks allotted for the One Room Challenge.  Fi...
Well we didn't get too much done on our living room renovation this week, but we did pull off an  outdoor 50th Anniversary party  for my...
This past Sunday we were privileged to celebrate my parents' 50th wedding a nniversary here at the cabin with a Spring garden party. ...
It's time for another One Room Challenge ! We will be joining many other participating bloggers in making over a room in six weeks.  Th...