
Colorful Science Themed Boy's Bedrooom | One Room Challenge | Week 6 Final Reveal

Well we have made it to the final week of our six week long One Room Challenge!  First of all, I'd like to say a big thank you to Linda of Calling it Home blog and House Beautiful for hosting this fun event!  We've been renovating one of our sons' rooms and as he requested, we gave him a colorful science themed bedroom.  So come on in!

A colorful science and dinosaur themed boy's room in a log cabin home, featuring a built in desk with DIY stainless steel counter top and built in shelves. Paint colors are Cat Eye Green and Ocean Soul Blue.

So you can see which rug I ended up going with after my waffling last week.  This was such an economical choice, and in stock at my local Walmart.  You know me, I try to do things on the tightest budget possible.

The most important part of this room to me; for my boy who loves to draw, experiment, collect, and create, is this desk area.

A colorful science and dinosaur themed boy's room in a log cabin home, featuring a built in desk with DIY stainless steel counter top and built in shelves. Paint colors are Cat Eye Green and Ocean Soul Blue.

The shelves are full of his treasures, from souvenirs brought back for him from his grandparents' international travels to his Lego creations.  I have so much to share with y'all in the coming weeks about how we built this desk area so economically.  I'll have full tutorials coming soon!  But I have to give a big shoutout to my husband for figuring out how to make this stainless steel countertop for $26!

A colorful science and dinosaur themed boy's room in a log cabin home, featuring a built in desk with DIY stainless steel counter top and built in shelves. Paint colors are Cat Eye Green and Ocean Soul Blue.
Our son is a voracious reader so I wanted his books to be very accessible. They used to be stacked all around his bed on the floor and on his side tables.  This is so much better!  I kept all of the things he uses the most on the bottom two shelves so he can reach them easily.  The top two shelves are for display.

We added three LED puck lights under the bottom shelf to light up the desk top.  I found this little shadow box at a thrift store for $2 and it's perfect to hold Lego guys and other special little treasures. I found that globe bowl for only $1 at a yard sale recently!

A colorful science and dinosaur themed boy's room in a log cabin home, featuring a built in desk with DIY stainless steel counter top and built in shelves. Paint colors are Cat Eye Green and Ocean Soul Blue.

Oh! I forgot to say how much I love this green!  It's Cats Eye by Benjamin Moore.  It's the perfect velvety dark, but not too dark, green.

These three large photos were some of my favorite yard sale finds recently.  I just happened upon the yard sale of a local photographer, who had so many amazing things for me to bring home!

A colorful science and dinosaur themed boy's room in a log cabin home, featuring a built in desk with DIY stainless steel counter top and built in shelves. Paint colors are Cat Eye Green and Ocean Soul Blue.

A colorful science and dinosaur themed boy's room in a log cabin home, featuring a built in desk with DIY stainless steel counter top and built in shelves. Paint colors are Cat Eye Green and Ocean Soul Blue.

This room has no closet, so it was important to find a solution.  After my search for lockers turned up empty, my Mom saved me by offering my Granddaddy's antique chifforobe.  It was in rough shape so it took some work and restoration, but it turned out great!

A colorful science and dinosaur themed boy's room in a log cabin home, featuring a built in desk with DIY stainless steel counter top and built in shelves. Paint colors are Cat Eye Green and Ocean Soul Blue.

A colorful science and dinosaur themed boy's room in a log cabin home, featuring a built in desk with DIY stainless steel counter top and built in shelves. Paint colors are Cat Eye Green and Ocean Soul Blue.

That chair was another of my parents' contributions, I made it over by painting it and covering the cushions with rag rugs.  I love how they incorporate all of the colors in the room.  Again, a tutorial will be coming soon!

A colorful science and dinosaur themed boy's room in a log cabin home, featuring a built in desk with DIY stainless steel counter top and built in shelves. Paint colors are Cat Eye Green and Ocean Soul Blue.

Another way I tied in all of the colors in the room was painting a couple of canvases with the colors in the room.  And you guessed it, tutorial coming soon!

A colorful science and dinosaur themed boy's room in a log cabin home, featuring a built in desk with DIY stainless steel counter top and built in shelves. Paint colors are Cat Eye Green and Ocean Soul Blue.

A colorful science and dinosaur themed boy's room in a log cabin home, featuring a built in desk with DIY stainless steel counter top and built in shelves. Paint colors are Cat Eye Green and Ocean Soul Blue.

A colorful science and dinosaur themed boy's room in a log cabin home, featuring a built in desk with DIY stainless steel counter top and built in shelves. Paint colors are Cat Eye Green and Ocean Soul Blue.

A colorful science and dinosaur themed boy's room in a log cabin home, featuring a built in desk with DIY stainless steel counter top and built in shelves. Paint colors are Cat Eye Green and Ocean Soul Blue.

A colorful science and dinosaur themed boy's room in a log cabin home, featuring a built in desk with DIY stainless steel counter top and built in shelves. Paint colors are Cat Eye Green and Ocean Soul Blue.
A colorful science and dinosaur themed boy's room in a log cabin home, featuring a built in desk with DIY stainless steel counter top and built in shelves. Paint colors are Cat Eye Green and Ocean Soul Blue.

Thanks so much for stopping by to check out this room!  I will be honest, I just sat in it tonight and drank it all in.  And we did a whole Fixer Upper kind of reveal for our son tonight and kept him out until it was all finished.  The look of joy on his face as he discovered everything made it worth all of the work these past few weeks.

Now make sure you head on over to Calling It Home and see all of the other linked up projects.  There are some absolutely amazing transformations!