
Bathroom Renovation | $100 Room Challenge | Week 4

Here’s a quick update for this week’s bathroom renovation progress. First of all, just so you know,  I have decided I hate wallpaper.  It is now my sworn enemy for life...
I mean real wallpaper, not the new removable kind. I love that kind. But this wallpaper really kicked our behinds and I'm feeling a little bitter towards it.  I'm just kidding.  Kinda.  After making such good progress removing the wallpaper, I spent most of this week patching and sanding the walls. It was a waaaaaay bigger and more time consuming job than I thought it was going to be.  Did I mention I also hate finishing drywall?  There was a bunch of that too.  After every drywall event I'm involved with in our house, I say I will never ever do drywall again.  That is a job worth hiring out!  But then I always do it the next time!
So the walls got fixed this week. There’s my update LOL! 
Looking at these pictures, I'm wondering why we have two ladders in such a small space!
We also took down the glass shower door contraptions.  I am so happy about this because I have wanted them gone since we moved in.
We started painting, but it's white paint so it really doesn't show in the pictures.  I'm pretty sure the shelves above the toilet aren't going to happen, due to budget and time.  Looking at it again though, I think they may have been too much for the space anyway.  I'll figure out something else to do there.  So now, with one week left we will be finishing the painting, installing the vinyl tile floor, adding wood trim around the room, and a bunch of other little things.  It's not like us to cut it close on deadlines at all...hahahahaha!

Catch up with all of the updates for this project:  

Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 Week 5 

(links added weekly) 

As always, thanks so much for stopping by and reading about our renovations.  I always apprecitate the visit!
PS Now go check out all of the other $100 Room Challenge projects linked here!  And thanks so much to Erin of Lemons, Lavender, and Laundry for hosting this event!

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