
Log Home Tour Series: Noni's Cabin

It's Day Four of the Log Home Tour Series. This Sunday is National Log Cabin Week so I thought it would be fun to tour different types of log cabins and homes this week. 

Today's featured log cabin is Noni's Cabin. You can find Noni on her blog, noniswonderlust and Instagram @noni_bo. She and her husband are renovating a charming log cabin. I'm gonna let her tell her story from here. 

My husband and I were signing the paperwork for a new build when family tragedies struck and it made us realize that life was too short and precious to be worried about being house rich money poor. So we backed out on it and desperately started looking for something small that we could live in and fix up as we went.  We were desperate because our lease was almost up and we still had nothing in sight. Everything in our price range was either snatched right up or it was completely falling apart. 

This little cabin was under contract with someone else and so when it popped back up in the listings I jumped on it and requested a show the next day.  I looked at it myself since my husband was at work and as soon as  I saw the high ceilings, wood floors and large yard I was sold but didn’t want to get my heart set on it until my husband saw it. He saw it the next day and told our realtor to write up the paperwork! We wanted something that we could move into and fix up and that’s just what we got, it needs a lot of work but we have slowly gotten a few things done and a few things that we didn’t anticipate. 

The outside had to be painted because it had inches of stain/glossy sealer that if re-stained it would have taken so much more time and money and  I wanted a color anyway so we had it painted. Still love it.

We have a little sunroom that is quite narrow and a little strange. I want to take all the windows out and make it into a little porch but I haven’t been able to convince my husband yet. So this is where we store all our shoes and some jackets. 

When you walk into the main living area you see the fireplace right away. I still haven’t figured out how to style the room with a little sitting area. The ceilings are just primed since I haven’t fond the perfect color yet and holy moly, they lightened the room up SOOO much!! 

My favorite furniture is my $10 dining table and my $65 hutch that I just repainted.  I love baskets and crocks and feel like they compliment our cabin well.

I just primed over the rock around the fireplace and my husband ended up loving it so for now it will stay like this. 

The table is right outside the kitchen. The kitchen we haven’t touched really, just painted and ripped the cabinet doors off and made rustic replacement doors out of aged barn wood. 

We plan to redo the kitchen and main bathroom next but we can’t until we get the house leveled and that has proven to be challenging. 

The master bedroom walls will most likely be painted but not the ceiling. It’s a very dark room, but we love the height and it is quite large.

My girls room is the only room that is completely done. We sanded down the floor by ourselves with just a little sander, trust me, the rented one is worth the money! We will never do that again! We painted the walls and ceiling, and installed a new organized closet.  

Their room is my favorite and I just love how it turned out! It feels so light and serene and we must have done a good job because everyone loves it and sees our vision for the rest of the house once they see this room.

Thanks for sharing your unique cabin with us, Noni! What a beautiful home you are creating for your family.

Check back tomorrow for the final home in this Log Home Tour Series.  It is a log cabin that is currently under renovations also and the before's and after's will blow you away!