
Log Home Tour Series: Our Home

Did you know that the last Sunday in June is National Log Cabin Day? Well at least it is in the state of Michigan, which is my husband's homeland, so we are going with it. Yay Michigan! Go Blue! In fact, I am hereby declaring this week National Log Cabin Week! I can do that, right? 

National Log Cabin Day is meant to help folks remember the rich history of log cabins and also enjoy what they have become. So I thought it would be fun to share tours of some of my favorite log cabins and log homes. Our home is considered a hand hewn log home, not necessarily a cabin. But we feel a strong attachment to the old traditional log cabin. 

So here is our home tour to start it all off. Please take it with a grain of salt since our home is in an ever-changing state of renovation and repair. This is the prettiest I could make our old girl for the time being.  

Have I mentioned I love porches? I'll start off by showing you our front porch. We decided to put the 15' long table we built a couple of months ago on this porch because it's the widest.  So if you come to dinner at our house, this is most likely where you will eat. 

We have one of those crazy driveways that actually leads you to the back of the house. So if you drop by, you walk up to this porch on the right.

And this porch on the left. 

So come on in. (I still haven't painted the new screen door, but you're being patient with me, right?)

I share a lot of pictures of my kitchen, because it's one of the few rooms that feels "done" or at least "done-ish." We are hoping to begin kitchen renovations very soon and then it will really be done. So here is the view when you walk in from the mud room. 

And looking left, into the kitchen

I keep my little growing collection of milk glass above the sink. 

Those chalk painted Mason jars have herbs planted in them, which are always handy to have close. 

And if you look back the other way, you will see the dining room. 

I wanted very much to bring in some color to this space. That china cabinet was one of my projects last year. That stenciling on the back almost got the best of me. 

And now we can head through that doorway into the living room. 

I will preface this part by saying, yes it is carpeted. In the past I have gotten questions from folks wondering why in the world we have carpet. It's original to the house and unfortunately the cypress floors do not magically appear when you lift the carpet like they do on TV renovation shows. Trust me, I've tried. It's just plywood under there. So for now we have carpet because continuing the floors is not high on the list of priorities. 

The living room is kind of divided by the main traffic pattern through the house. Here's the left side. 

That blanket ladder was originally attached to one of the porches. It was too unstable to leave there because one of our little climbers would have tried it for sure. So a blanket ladder it became. Oh and that afghan was made with love for us by my husband's sister. 

My pretty aqua pillows came from Lavender Lamb Gifts on Etsy. I just love this color for Summer. 

And then looking back to the other side of the living room.

Since there aren't that many rooms in the house that are quite tour-worthy yet, the last room I wanted to share with you is our master bedroom. We haven't done much to it except put in the furniture we already had. It's a great room to wake up in every morning when the sun streams in through those high windows. My eventual direction for this room is what I like to call "rustic glam." It's getting there slowly. 

I love to surround us with meaningful pieces. I did this boat drawing for my husband as his first anniversary gift. 

And this I did this piece with the lyrics to our song for his 15th anniversary gift. 

So there you have a little summer tour through a few rooms of our house. Happy National Log Cabin Day (week)!  Make sure you check back tomorrow for another log home tour.