
Living Room Renovation | One Room Challenge | Here We Go Again! Befores

It's time for another One Room Challenge! We will be joining many other participating bloggers in making over a room in six weeks.  This challenge is hosted by Linda of Calling It Home blog and you can see all of the details of how it works there, but basically every week we will be updating you with our progress.  This will be our fifth time participating!  

Guess what room we're doing this time???  The living room!  Does it sound like we've been there and done that?  That's because we did, or at least tried to for the last One Room Challenge. See that gorgeous 12" wide pine plank floor?  That's as far as we got last time.  Well that floor and we took down a giant section of log wall that opened up the whole space.  Those two projects kicked our behinds and we didn't even come close to finishing everything we wanted to. This is our big reveal of the room from last time: Living Room Renovation | One Room Challenge | Week 7 Sort of Reveal. So this time we are going to finish the room as we planned before.  So here is where we are starting.

Keep up with all of the project updates:Week 1  Week 2  Week 3  Week 4  Week 5  Week 6

If you'd like to see the before before's, you can see them here from the last ORC living room renovation but here's one view:

So one of the biggest projects that we will be doing is adding some sort of balusters to close in that staircase.  It scares us especially when other kids visit and it's a safety issue.
I also have a big idea for that back staircase wall.

 Here's another view of that side of the living room.  The fireplace needs some work too.

It never had a mantel so adding one will be the other big project in this room.  We have a very special reclaimed beam that has a great story that is going to make a great mantel! There are some cracks in the mortar of the stones that will also need to be fixed.

Here's the other side of this big room.  It just needs to be finished.

And the piano wall needs some art for sure!  I have a painting in my head and I need to get it on canvas asap!

There are a ton of little details to finish in this room and I can't wait to do it!

Now head over to One Room Challenge to see all of the other rooms that are going to be renovated this month!  Thanks so much for stopping by and checking ours out!