
Sunday Calm [Features 9]

Calm. Peace. Reflection. Joy. Beauty. 
How do you see it?

We are visiting friends today who live in the most beautiful farming area filled with great old farmhouses and barns. My husband dutifully stopped for me to take several shots as we were driving today.  He's gotten used to it now. 

My favorite thing about  #HCLCsundaycalm on Instagram is that it gives folks the freedom to share whatever those feelings look like to them. I always the wide variety of photos shared, from decor to landscapes and everything in between. I also love the opportunity to share others' talent with y'all. 

I loved this simple shot of Nadia's @wonderfullydesigned pretty and sweet macaroon breakfast. 

Jamie of @therenovatedroost shared this beautiful photo of her handmade blanket ladder. The creamy whites and blue are such a calming color palette.

Carol of @artandsand caught this wonderful shot of the beach near her home while on a walk. Those waves crashing on the rocks have to be such a therapeutic sound!

And finally this beautiful light-filled shot is of Sherri's @graceindesign table all set and ready for Sunday dinner. 

Thank you to everyone who shared their Sunday Calm this week. I really enjoyed seeing them! See you back here next week for more features.